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We are passionate about supporting students and new grads launch their careers and find their place within the policy sphere. Get in touch if you're an upper-year undergraduate student or enrolled in a graduate program and looking to gain meaningful experiences! 


My time spent as a student volunteer with Policy Forward Consulting Group may be best explained as both enjoyable and enlightening. The constructive but laid back environment created by the small group of consultants enabled me to flourish as a new policy professional, as I felt comfortable approaching the team with questions and felt supported in my endeavours. Team members were always willing to lend a helping hand, but also encouraged me to step out of my comfort zone and undertake new, and challenging tasks. The duties entrusted to me provided an excellent opportunity to begin to develop vital policy skills, including research, analysis, and advising, which in turn contributed to my success in postgraduate studies in public policy and administration, and eventually to acquire a position as a program development and analysis officer with the Ontario Public Service. Overall, I am greatly appreciative of my time with the firm and think back fondly of my experience as a Policy Forward team member.

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